Leave No Doubt
Small businesses destroyed. Millions unemployed. Literal segregation of the populace. Team lunacy is waving the white flag. Take no prisoners.
Small businesses destroyed. Millions unemployed. Literal segregation of the populace. And that's just what's provable today. VAERS data would suggest an impending litigation firestorm for the next several decades might be likely. With all that in mind, team lunacy appears to be waving the white flag. Take no prisoners.
I don't want them to gain another yard. You blitz all night!
Would you like some context for this post? Do I need to spell it out for you? The jabs don't do diddly against Omicron. Negating the mandate as utterly pointless. We've known that for weeks though. Just in the last couple days:
Quarantine chopped in half because of "what we'll tolerate"
Bogusness of hospitalization numbers now allowed to be told
Blue check asshats now walking it all back regarding case numbers
I don't know what these people saw that made them all flip. Unpublished polling data maybe? I don't know. But it's over. All of it. Mandates. Masks. The bullshit. You know it. I know it. They know it. What now?
It's time to RUN IT. The FUCK. Up.
Remember every single person who refused to exercise intellectual integrity. Remember every single entity that sided with team lunacy. Remember every single governing body that mandated your neighbors out of business. Remember every single company that fired employees for no reason. And most importantly, remember insanity like this:
Since I couldn't join the Twitter ratio, I sent their contact email this:
Come on kids, we’re going to the Holocaust Museum and eDuCaTiON Center to learn about a time when a terrible tyrant brainwashed a bunch of dumb people with propaganda and convinced them that their political adversaries were spreading disease. They segregated their people into groups, made them show papers, had them literally wear symbols to identify themselves, and encouraged the private sector to terminate the people that they didn’t like. It’s an amazing story and we must learn from it so we never repeat it. Now go get your papers and your masks so we can get into the museum and LeArN. Don’t worry though, we’ll be protected from those dirty Jews, oops I mean dirty unvaccinated.
It's time to start grinding our feet in some couches. Deleting your social accounts might not be the only reasonable action at this point. Until you do that, ratio these people. Mercilessly. They deserve it. All of it. Don't let any of them off the hook.
Run it up. Leave no doubt. Happy New Year.
Love the email to the museum! Sadly, most of these tyrants have zero sense of irony... 😏😏
Nice aggressive piece, right on! I’m not a big believer in any mainstream news but admit to being flabbergasted when a few weeks ago a correspondent on NEWSMAX actually warned that there is a dark agenda at play and also recommended Dr. Breggin’s new book! Keep up the great work on Faybomb! Thanks